Additionally, the dramatic elements become, I think, too heavy-handed and overall, as both a romance and a coming-of-age flick, I just don't think it has enough zest and imagination narratively, and certainly not aesthetically. My Days of Glory do not, for me, mark de Bary's. 5/10.
Tuesday, 11 October 2022
Something Cult, Foreign-Language or Indie #312: My Days of Glory (2019).
Additionally, the dramatic elements become, I think, too heavy-handed and overall, as both a romance and a coming-of-age flick, I just don't think it has enough zest and imagination narratively, and certainly not aesthetically. My Days of Glory do not, for me, mark de Bary's. 5/10.
Friday, 7 October 2022
My feelings on the Thailand massacre.
On Thursday when I heard news of the childcare centre massacre in Thailand, my heart instantly sank. I had a foreboding, ominous feeling as it was revealed in a breaking news story during the 7pm nightly bulletin I watch. For that reason I deliberately also watched that night's late news just for more details on it. I was sincerely gut-wrenched as those extra details were revealed to me. A massacre in a place for children is usually tragic enough, but here the perpetrator was also the father of one of the children who went there regularly. Then, after the encounter there that lit his fuse and the carnage that ensued, he went home and murdered his own wife and child. I mean, Jesus fucking Christ! How damaged must you be to even consider doing something that wicked?
His name was Panya Khamrab, and he was a disgraced former cop. Keyword: "disgraced." Shouldn't that have sounded alarm bells about him, suggesting he needed to be monitored somehow, or better yet, incarcerated? Had he indeed been behind bars, this massacre wouldn't have happened and a class of innocent children and their teachers would still be alive and none of their families would be grieving. My heart goes out to those families, and may the deceased all rest in peace. These massacres are clearly far from just an American problem; recently we saw that in Russia and now, sadly, it's been Thailand's turn. I don't know which country, or community, will be next, but I hope - against hope - none will.
Something Cult, Foreign-Language or Indie #311: Shorts (2009).
Rodriguez also coaxes engaging performances from all his young cast and the adults all also enjoy themselves, particularly Leslie Mann as Toby's mum and James Spader as the villainous Mr. Carbon Black. I did think the novelty began to wear off near the end, but Shorts doesn't overstay its welcome. It's a refreshing, funny and bizarre family science fiction flick like only Robert Rodriguez could, or would, deliver. 8/10.