Thursday 20 July 2017

Big Game Hunting: Brutal, Gut-Wrenching Horror.

Remember in 2015, all the global outrage when American dentist Walter Palmer fatally shot Cecil the Lion? Well, now Cecil's son Xanda has become himself a tragic statistic in Zimbabwe. Now, I acknowledge the high risk of manipulation here, but I'm pathologically outspoken and no issue enrages me more than animal cruelty.

The worst part is, in too many non-Western countries, hunting is literally a commercial industry. One claiming to be fun for the whole family, based on murder, and against species who I'm sure as just as fucking scared as vice versa. In those terms, "commercial" means nothing but blood money. It is fucking emotional and ethical bankruptcy.

Image result for stop hunting

I understand one of the countries it's most common in is South Africa, where ending it isn't considered a priority due to ongoing economic problems from apartheid. I understand that to a point - a slight point - but besides that, there is no excuse for continuing or participating in it. Had I been there, I would've seriously told the hunter to shoot me instead. RIP and Cecil and Xanda. I hope the where you both are now is more humane than Earth.

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