Thursday 2 November 2017

Trumping his own previous low standards.

As you know, this week New York City again was the target of a terrorist act: Uzbek Sayfullo Saipov driving through a Lower Manhattan crowd, with eight fatalities. And how did President Trump respond? By announcing a plan to scrap the Green Card immigrant residency program. Now, I probably won't be saying anything original here, but hopefully I'll say it in an original way.

There are three blindingly obvious things wrong here. Firstly, it's clear prejudice, and a sort that will punish the many for the actions of the few. Secondly, like so many previous (and fellow current) right-wingers, it reestablishes just how fucking deluded and proudly ignorant he is. Saipov's actions were horrific, and my heart goes out to all the casualties and their loved ones, but he understandably wanted revenge. Revenge on America for all the violent, corrupt imperialism they, and too many other Western nations, have undertaken in the Middle East. Do you want no retribution? Well, then, just fucking withdraw from there permanently and sincerely apologise.

Finally, besides the Indians, all Americans are or are descended from immigrants. Maybe it is high time you all remembered and celebrated that fact. Starting with your dickhead Commander-in-Chief.

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