Friday, 24 August 2018

Another one exits through Canberra's revolving door.

When will it fucking stop? After two leadership spills in just a week, yesterday Malcolm Turnbull resigned as Australia's PM, with Scott Mor(ris)on winning the ballot to succeed him. That now makes it five prime ministers we've had in a decade! Six if you count Kevin Rudd twice! (Although I don't.) Morrison, the former Treasurer (and ScoMo, as he's affectionately (?) known) may have just inherited the anchor of a sinking ship - and I don't just mean his own party or their government.

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Scott Morrison in his quite unfortunate Wikipedia photo.

I wish him good luck, sincerely. As Treasurer I doubted he could deliver a fucking newspaper, never mind a surplus. This last Liberal Party leadership ballot came down to him, Peter Dutton, a man whose stint as Immigration Minister became like a roll-call of judgment gaffes and human rights violations (and whose head resembles an unwashed potato), and Julie Bishop, best known for her death stare. I was actually backing Bishop, who I've always found quite aloof but who's nonetheless more in-touch and hard-working than Dutton and Morrison combined. 

Image result for peter duttonImage result for julie bishop

Another key player in this running gag's reoccurrence this week was Mattias Cormann.

Image result for mathias cormann

A Belgian immigrant to Oz, I wouldn't be surprised if one of Cormann's grandparents participated in Belgium's invasion of the Congo. And I would say he should return to Belgium, but that'd really just be moving the problem elsewhere.

This on-going trend of Australia's prime ministers being overthrown from within almost - almost - makes me actually miss John Howard, who was PM for what I still consider 11 dreadful years. If it continues, I'll be waiting for the Greens (Australia's environmentalism party, obviously, for you non-Aussie readers) to cut a tree down, make it into a doorstop and try to jam the revolving leadership door once and for all. That would increase one problem but at least help another. 

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