Friday, 10 May 2019

Another new Windsor: why do we care? Why SHOULD we?

As most people know I've never been a royalist in my life; not even when I was 11 and Australia was having its republic referendum in 1999. So you can imagine my apathy when Harry and Meghan's baby arrived this week. But I do have objective reasons for that, and the key one can be encapsulated in this image:

No photo description available.

Nail. On. The. Head. I get that the media feels the need to tell us about positive, upbeat news, but I think that can be justified only so much. Truth and reality have never disappeared no matter how much we have ignored them historically, and for news outlets to ignore them is simply dishonest. I think the media, for decades now, has largely needed to re-evaluate their priorities.

I also think they need to stop exaggerating certain people's fame. Now, I know Meghan Markle was a well-established daytime television star in the US (and, unlike her husband, really had to work for her celebrity) but Western media, to my mind, blew that up like she was globally famous before her marriage, comparable to somebody like Angelina Jolie. I'm sorry, but she was not, and to paint her as such also compromises her privacy. Plus, have they forgotten the infamous incident where a drunken Harry wore a Nazi uniform?

So, you get it. (That is, I guess, if you're not new around here.) I don't give a fuck about the royals, but that doesn't mean I don't take issue with how global media treats them. We, the public, must also claim some of the responsibility for the latter, as so many of us are perennially hungry for print or broadcast news about them, delivered in the best invasive media tradition.

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