Friday, 24 September 2021

My response to ableist remarks from somebody who shouldn't even have thought them.


This is Nicole Rogerson, the co-founder and director of the not-for-profit organisation Autism Awareness Australia. Outside of that, she and her husband Ian, a broadcaster who's appeared in a YouTube video (on AAA's channel, in fact) with fathers of autistic children, have become spokespeople for autism causes. That's nice. But this week, regarding a new study of early intervention therapy for autistic children, she was quoted as saying: 

"What this research has shown is what a limited amount of work very early that could be done could have a radical change for these children and their ultimate outcome. This research shows us we have to look at early childhood completely differently. We can't wait until children are three or four years old to see where they are developmentally. If we see some warning signs at that 12-month age it is absolutely imperative we get started. And this research shows the great outcomes for these kids. If we've helped their communication, if we helped those social skills, if we've made it more likely that they're going to go on to have an independent life and be successful in school, then it's incumbent on us, we have to do it."

As I read those words, I felt the breath sucked right out of my throat, and I truly saw red. I still cannot believe somebody in her position would advocate intervening in ASD kids' developments in order to make them appear more neurotypical. They certainly need help with social skills, but I believe that in no way means they need to be changed. She should absolutely know better, also, to even think, much less say these kids cannot become successful or independent adults with early intervention therapy growing up. There are literally thousands of adults on the spectrum whose tales disprove those fucking ignorant, patronising and condescending suggestions. And as the mother of an autistic son, how would she feel were he forced to undergo an intervention, at any age, to "fix" him? I hope she loves him unconditionally; after all, any parent should love their children unconditionally.  As for Nicole herself, after those deeply offensive claims, obviously I don't even like, let alone love, her.

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