Thursday 12 October 2017

That (literal) wanker Weinstein.

As you may have figured, I've quite closely been following this latest Hollywood sex scandal. Firstly, I would like to say something possibly contentious about sex scandals in general, if I may. When a man makes unwanted advances towards women, he's condemned as a sexist pig. When a woman turns the tables, she's praised as a go-getter. Now, I know misogyny is much more widespread and ingrained than misandry and that men generally are more interested in sex, but neither side is right, and double standards no more so.

Image result for harvey weinstein

Regardless, I have never had any time for Harvey Weinstein. He may have helped bring many great films to fruition, but personally he is a fucking vile slug. Corrupt, arrogant, superficial and bullying. I've read that when Shakespeare in Love won the 1998 Best Picture Academy Award over Saving Private Ryan, at one of the after-parties he even shoved his Oscar in Steven Spielberg's face. Isn't that gracious and sportsmanlike! Undoubtedly, at next year's show he'll be the elephant in the room. I objectively wasn't surprised a shred when these brave women started breaking their silence finally, and I hope justice is served. But I hope even more that women everywhere will soon no longer have to suffer silently for so longer (or suffer at all, for that matter), and that more men will openly stand against such treatment.

Finally, when public figures are exposed like this, the industries they belong to and their employees are also harmed. Overnight, Weinstein's daughter reportedly had him hospitalised, fearing he would commit suicide. I don't know if I want him to do that, but I won't be upset if he does. And if you don't want to fall from grace, just fucking behave yourself.

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