Saturday, 30 March 2019

One Nation's latest misfire (pun intended).

This month, fifty people died in a Christchurch mosque at the hands of a far-right Aussie. Both Labor and Liberal were vocal and public in condemning the massacre and quickly sent their condolences to the survivors and the families affected. Clear benevolence. But what One Nation? That party so committed to winding the clock back that they may as well want to break it... how did they react? Well, first their Senator Fraser Anning blamed it on Muslim immigration to New Zealand, an accusation that literally left him with egg on his face. And this week it's been revealed that One Nation's James Ashby and Steve Dickhead - sorry, Dickson - last year paid a visit to the US to acquire $20 000 000 in donations from none other than the National Rifle Association.  This story broke during the week because an undercover al-Jazeera reporter, Rodger Muller, recorded conversations with Ashby and Dickson over there then which he's now released, and what was the culprit according to Ashby? Alcohol.

Image result for steve dickson james ashby

(Dear God, that's a lamentable photo - for them, at least.)

This must be the biggest booze-fuelled political scandal Australia has seen since Kevin Rudd turned up plastered to the strip club in 2004. But more to the point, why did they seek this donation from the NRA? To fund a push to soften Australia's famously tight gun laws. Which a right-wing government implemented, too. And now their Red Queen leader Pauline Hanson has sparked controversy #5670 with a video in which she suggests the 1996 Port Arthur massacre, which inspired our National Firearms Act, was a government conspiracy. Even the journalists on A Current Affair would call that a sensationalised claim! Nonetheless, if she was trying to take the heat off her two henchmen, she's clearly succeeded.

One Nation's consistent and hysterical reactionism never ceases to bewilder me. I simply cannot believe they remain prominent and supported among so many Australians. However, their policies aside, if they continue to demonstrate such idiotic behaviour as Ashby and Dickson have recently shown, I think that's a pro - it will to inspire more of us to vote against them. I hope.

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