Thursday 4 August 2016

An addiction for the 21st century.

Hello, I'm Jarred, and I'm an Internet addict. I confess that. I'm not literally on 24-7, but I certainly still could cut down. Now, the irony of my discussing this here is not lost on me, but I have no other platform, really, for doing so, and I am just one part of a much bigger problem, which is really what I want to address here.

Technological enslavement, which included Internet addiction, is not just some theme in science fiction anymore. It is fact. When you go downtown, you almost don't even need to look for Internet cafes or video game parlours anymore. Hell, ATMs, which we all take so often for granted now, are another example. Where is the line? Humanity lasted nearly two millennia without all of these "essentials," and yes, we mightn't even have known about them for that long, but still we endured. Now we seem to be more attached to our Smartphones and iPads than cave-people were to flint.

I have a friend from school, whom I won't name here for obvious reasons, who is a serious online gaming addict. He very rarely even leaves his house, although along with his addiction he has serious psychological issues. I attribute all this to his having had a terrible upbringing, but if you met him you'd have no doubt he has a genius-level IQ. So instead of making a killing working for the CSIRO or something, he spends his days languishing in a dark room, fighting fantasy creatures and talking with friends on the other side of the world. I'm not mad at him, and I'm not saying I'm better off. I feel so sorry for him, and to his credit he's totally self-aware of his own situation. But far too many others are in the same boat. And it could sink at any moment.

Every week I try to have at least one day free of Internet or spending. And I usually achieve that. So I strongly encourage all of you to follow suit. If I manage it, everybody can. And everybody should start trying now.

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